
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2017

mi animal favorito?

el guepardo o chita Is an atypical member of the family of the felids. Is the only living member of the genus acinonix, has excellent vision and is the fastest terrestrial mammal in the world accelerating from 0 to 100 in 3   and 120 in 4, it lives in africa and parts of asia.

¿como seré en 20 años?

This is the audio in which we have to describe the person we hope to be in 20 years https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6qZ3YPYScqSbWppaHVnbVE0TlE encontré una manera peculiar de pegar el audio en el blog espero les guste y recomiendo usar audífonos para escucharlo ya que por motivo de que fue grabado directamente en el computador a menos de que se utilicen audífonos es muy difícil de oír. gracias.

como es mi barrio?

This is the poster about the description of my neighborhood

¿quien soy?

!Hello¡ my name is Juan Camilo, I'm from Pereira, in this moment I live in the neighborhood Kennedy with my mother and my cat, my sister's name is Jessica and the name of my brother is Andres, my favorite Color is blue and I like the basketball and the metal music. I'm happy and persistent. tank you and see you again.